Wednesday, May 25, 2011

long time no post...

Well its been a few days of not posting here or anywhere really.

I am getting frustrated. this week I am up 2.8lbs..I think its because its my TOM even tho I really don't have a TOM I still get the bloating, fatigue etc. I am still down overall thanks to It just kind of sucks that my body is letting me down..ya know.

All I really wanna do is take a hot shower and then dive into a vat of Blue Bell (not that I can buy that here), instead I am going to watch the Mavs on TV tonight with the hubby and hope the scale is nice to me in the am.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Well I had the will power to go to a Texans in Pennsylvania BBQ on Saturday and NOT pig out or drink.
Not a single non protocol thing passed these lips, can't say I didnt want it..but I was able to be strong.

Thanks to my HCG from, and some great girls I can truly do this.

Friday, May 20, 2011

I'm totally proud of me!

Tonight after dinner we took the kids out for ice cream at a new place (they have a bounce house!!). I stayed strong! I didn't order the choclate shake that was calling my name LOUDLY.

There were many other big girls there chowing down on their confections..I didnt feel even for them and their treat..instead I felt sorry for them..I left a few cards from on a table where the largest ladies were parked...I know it wasnt nice but hey..I cant keep it a secret and want them to feel as great as I do instead of looking sad and stuffing their faces with ice cream.

The tough times.

JT is off this weekend and I promised Little Bug a movie. This means that temptation will be HUGE!

I have to be strong I have a goal to lost 20 lbs by our camping trip in the mid part of June then I will take a break for those 6 days. Then get back to it. I can do this.

I really wanna blow my momma away when I see her in July! Im soo proud of her! She has been on this 'loser train' as well and is doing soo good!  I havent seen her since December!

My sister is this one who introduced me to I'm so totally proud of her as well!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Me in May
This stuff works.

Me in March

Many thanks to

WELL here goes!

I decided that I need to get healthy for my kids, my hubby and most importantly myself.
First of all about me..I am short, fat wife to my best friend and a mom of 2.

On April 1, 2011, I decided to go on the HCG diet thru I has not been the easiest journey but I am down 20lbs now and I feel better and am starting to look better also.